26. oktober 2022 - kl. 19:40
Danmarkspremiere på to spændende dokumentarfilm fra den unge prisbelønnede instruktør og aktivist Rhadem Musawah.
PUGAD inviterer til filmaften i Kastrup Bio, hvor der fremvises to dokumentarfilm. Den første handler om Sulu Sultanatet - et glemt afsnit af Filippinernes historie. Den anden dokumentar giver indblik i livet som ung LGBT person i den filippinsk diaspora i Holland.
Efterfølgende vil der være mulighed for at deltage i debat og møde instruktøren Rhadem Musawah. Formanden for den filippinske LGBT Foundation i Europa Chris Sta Brigida vil også deltage i debatten efter filmvisningen.
Arrangementet er gratis men tilmelding er nødvendig. Tilmelding inkl. antal ønsket billetter mailes til: amyabainza@hotmail.com eller info@borneochildaid.org
Læs introduktionen til filmene nedenfor:

SYNOPSIS:A 30 minutes documentary about one aspect of the washed away history of Sulu, the kingdom that birthed the Filipino Moro nation, and whose power gained influence even from China's Ming Dynasty in the 1400s.
The story begins from the great voyage of the Balangay with Sulu's eastern King to China 600 years ago before the arrival of the multiple foreign invaders, of whom the Sultanate fervently fought, that tarnished a once glorious civilisation in the southernmost region of the Philippines. And how it was robbed of its place in Philippine history due to colonisation.
- 2020 IFFM Jury Award for Best Documentary (New York City)
- 2021 Philippine Film Ambassador Award (FDCP, Office of the Philippine President)

A story of Filipino LGBT migrants who sought life outside the Philippines to assert their rights to gender equality. Personal experiences and life stories about survival, hope, and the continuing struggle of the community in the Philippines.
The film gleans into the lives of Filipino LGBTQIA+ migrants in the Netherlands and expounds on the value and importance of creating an inclusive and safe Philippines for the gender marginalized groups.
#SOGIEForward campaign from TULIPA won Best Mini Documentary in 2022 awarded by Adobo Magazine and Facebook